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本文内容主要参考自Patrick J. Hurley的 A concise introduction to logic一书和C&C的Introduction to Logic一书以及南科大程京德教授的数理逻辑导论的ppt内容。由于不同书中对谬误的定义、分类不尽相同,故可能会出现一些比较容易令人误解的地方,敬请见谅。
1. definition
- A fallacy is a defect in an argument that consists in something other than false premises alone.
2.Formal and informal fallacies
- formal fallacies(形式谬误)
Some fallacies are detectable by an examination of the form the argument(可通过论证的形式检测出来)
- informal fallacies(非形式谬误)
All other fallacies are called informal fallacies, and they must be detected by an examination of the content of the argument.(必须对论证内容进行检查)
3. Various Types of Fallacies(谬误种类)
(1) Fallacies of relevance (关联谬误)
① types(类型)